
July 2, 2010

Pocket Diapers

Remember that cloth diaper series I threatened to do? Well I'm finally going to take a stab at it. I just got a great deal on some new pocket diapers so that is as good a place as any to start.

*sigh* Look at them. Aren't they beautiful? I am enamored of the pretty colors. My other pocket diapers are white which is fine but these are fun. Notice the little man trying to get in on the photo op. On the right the funny looking plastic thing is called a snappi. It came in the same shipment so it is in the picture. I'll give you more info on this ingenious device when I do a post on diapers you would use it with.

I bought these from Cotton Babies. FYI if you sign up for their newsletter you'll get a savings code and they send you emails when they have a sale. Also if you haven't discovered this coupon code site you need to check it out for all your online shopping, including any cloth diapers you might purchase. Unfortunately, to my knowledge Cotton babies is not on a rebate site. We can hope for one day. Why am I telling you all this? For when you see how cool they are and you decide to buy them, of course!

These particular pocket diapers are "one-size" as in "one size fits all" at least babies from 8-35 pounds. The above picture shows the biggest size at the top and the smallest size at the bottom. There are snaps on the front of the diaper that adjust the diaper down to the appropriate size. "All in one" or "AIO" diapers are another option instead of one-size you would buy a stash of different sizes as your baby grows. They have weight based sizes just like disposables. Notice the velcro tabs that makes these so much like disposables. You can also get these with snaps instead of velcro which can help keep older babies from pulling off their diapers.
*Keep in mind there are all sorts of pocket diapers out there. These just happen to be the ones I have so I'll talk specifically about them and it will give you an idea of the class all together.

So you're probably wondering what exactly is a pocket diaper. Well you see the space in the back of the diaper there? It is a pocket that runs the entire length of the diaper. You put something absorbent in the pocket and when baby wets or dirtys the diaper you simply pull out the insert and drop it and the diaper in your diaper pail. There are disposable inserts out there ( maybe you've heard of gDiapers ) that you can throw away, flush, or even compost but my motivation for starting the cloth diaper adventure was to save money and disposable inserts can get pricey.
Great news, if you're worried about the solids for older babies you can just shake them out in the commode....I do not, repeat, do NOT swish my diapers in the toilet. Some people do and power to them. There is even a diaper sprayer I've had my eye on similar to the sprayer on your kitchen sink. It attaches directly to your bathroom plumbing and can help spray out your diapers, potty chairs, and apparently there is even a gentle spray setting for post delivery self cleansing. When I get one I'll let you know what I think.

Finally, these are inserts. The longer insert with snaps is called a "soaker." It came with the diaper and is adjustable to fit in it at all three different sizes. The smaller insert is the newborn insert but it can also be used as a "doubler" which is just an additional insert to absorb more. Some people use these at night to make sure baby stays dry for the duration. The diaper in the picture is actually currently stuffed with a prefold diaper (you know what I mean, the thing you probably use as a burp cloth) so there are a lot of options as to what to stuff in the pocket. You don't necessarily have to buy fancy inserts, these diapers just came with them.

The only thing I'm missing is a picture of these diapers in action. The little man is asleep so you'll have to tune in later to see that one. One of the best things about these is that they aren't as bulky as some other types of cloth diapers can be. That means I can put Derek in one and he doesn't end up having a ghetto booty. They are also super easy to change, just like a disposable in application. Bryan doesn't do cloth diapers but he can handle these because they are one step, no worrying about putting on a diaper and then a cover and I even let him throw them in the pail and I pull out the inserts and make sure the velcro tabs are on the laundry tabs when I throw them in to wash.

Washing is something you might like to know about. You have to wash cloth diapers twice. Once on cold to get all know...stuff out. Once on hot to kill the germs and then a double rinse. These pocket diapers have to line dry but the inserts can be put in the dryer. You need to use additive free detergent to make sure the diapers keep their absorbency. That means you have to skip on the smelly, stain fighting, bleachy suds and stick with the basics. If you get stains the sun can actually bleach them out. Crazy, huh? If that doesn't make you feel "green" I don't know what will. Also if your little one happens to have a diaper rash you can't use ointment with cloth diapers, again it can effect the absorbency of the diaper, so switch to disposable while the rash heals up.
Will your little one get a rash from cloth diapers? Derek has had two and I'm sad to say they were both my fault. It seems like with disposables I can smell a dirty diaper from a mile away but with cloth diapers, though they do get smelly when soiled, I have to be right next to Derek to notice the smell. So both his rashes resulted from me not checking his diaper soon enough. : ( I felt uber bad. Now I do checks regularly and he's kinda on a number 2 schedule so I am extra vigilant at that time.
Since I last posted about cloth diapers I have gone almost exclusive except for nights and occasional long outings. I'm not saying there will never be a day I do disposables only. I just like cloth that much.

Let me know what you think. I'm bubbling over with ideas and to-do's today so I'm sorry if things seemed a little jumbled. I'm happy to elaborate/clarify if needed.
Happy Friday!

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