
August 11, 2010

I made $2.00 on diapers and wipes!

This is a glorious day of celebration! They have just opened a CVS in my general vicinity and I am already in love. Remember the diaper dilemma? Since Derek can't wear Luvs any more I'm buying Pampers Cruisers (gratefully he's just about healed from the evil diaper rash that has possessed his poor little tush for almost a month now and we're transitioning back into blessed cloth as well). Pampers are crazy expensive but I hate...hold on, I mean HATE Huggies. They didn't insult my mom or anything but I don't like how they are cut and we've invariably had leaks when I've bought them at sales. So I refuse to use them anymore.
What does this have to do with CVS? Well they had Pampers on sale a couple weeks back for 21.99 with 10 extra care bucks. If you're not familiar with that terminology it basically means they give you a 10 gift certificate to their store. So you buy something and end up getting a printed coupon for money off your next purchase. Check out this link if you want a more detailed explanation. Well when I went the first time they were out of the size I needed so I got a rain check. Armed with that magnificent little piece of paper this is how I did it:

bought 1 box size 4 Pampers Cruisers 64 count rain check sales price $21.99
used 1  $4.00 off purchase of $20.00 or more at CVS (I was emailed this after I signed up for an extracare card in store and went on line to give them my email address)
used 1 $3.00 off any Pampers I received with a sample from Vocalpoint
used 1 free wipes 72 count or less with purchase of Pampers diapers from recent Sunday coupon insert
used 1 $2.00 extra care bucks reward that printed out when I scanned my card at the in store kiosk
used 1 $4.99 extra care bucks reward from previous shopping trip (where I got free Kotex, thanks very much)
Total paid: $8.00 plus tax
Total earned: $10 extra care bucks

So I ended up making $2 on the whole transaction and that was with brand name dipes and wipes! I did a little jig. It doesn't beat the box of 182 Luvs I got completely free thanks to Swagbucks (diapers half of which I can no longer use, but I'm not bitter) but it is definitely a start.


  1. Way to go Andrea! I'm sorry to hear about the rash, but glad you found a diaper you like.

    Love the new site design!



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