So there are a few things I thought I'd sworn to avoid in my life:
1) Spring Cleaning - I'd never let "stuff" accumulate to proportions to require any yearly purge.
2)Yard Sales - The only thing powerful enough to get me out of bed before 5am calls me "Mama"
3)Moo moos - Oh, the horror.
Well something has happened since we've become home owners. It's like the space demanded to be filled and so we filled it. Add to that the space required by clothes that Derek has outgrown, stockpiling of coupon goods, and Bryan's never ending ability to acquire furniture and computer equipment (I mean sometimes it seems like people throw things at him) and we are full up. So while I lived on happily in denial Bryan dropped the bombshell on me.
Bryan: I think we need to talk about the schedule this week.
Andrea: There aren't any big plans for the week. What did you want to talk about?
Bryan: I just feel like we need to organize everything.
Andrea: (enters a dream trance-like state) Wha?
Bryan: You could call it (delivered in super slow motion) sssssprrrriiiiinnng cllllleeeeeannnninnnnng.
I don't remember what happened next...I just remember coming to awareness next to a pile of old magazines and plastic storage containers. *Shiver*
As if that wasn't enough to ruin a person's sanity I can't seem to just give the abundance of extra stuff we've collected away. I keep seeing the double stroller of my dreams in my head and I figured out I might actually put a dent in the price tag if I sold some of the stuff we have instead of just donating it. *sigh* What does that mean? I don't know if I can even bring myself to type the words....we....are....having.....stuff-outside-with-price-tags-on-it. Yes, a yard sale. I feel that the end of the world must be near. Prepare yourselves.
Who knows, I might make a few bucks and then I could consider both ventures to be wildly successful. At the moment I'm sore but satisfied with the work we've accomplished. It is amazing how much cleaner a room feels when you know that the closets are organized, even though you aren't looking inside them. You know?
With number one and two on my list of stuff to avoid coming to pass this leads me to greater concerns. Moo moos.
Green Chili Chicken Stew
7 hours ago
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