
February 15, 2011

What is Love?

I'm humming a song with that line in it as I type. I'm thinking life is more fun set to music and since yesterday was Valentine's I guess that one seemed appropriate to me.
Bryan and I don't really celebrate Valentine's...our anniversary is in a couple weeks anyway and we decided a long time ago we didn't want some arbitrary holiday to make us feel obligated to be romantic. Does that sound utterly un-romantic? I don't think it is.
What I define as romantic is when Bryan swings me around in his arms and starts slow dancing with me to the beat of the music in his head. When we leave random notes of love and appreciation laying about for each other to find. When Bryan knows I'm tired so he heroically swoops in to give Derek his bath. Things like these happen all the time without a reason and that is a big part of what makes it so romantic. Doesn't it sort of lessen the experience when the day requires a grand romantic gesture?
I'm actually wondering if we shouldn't change how we celebrate our anniversary. We've been blessed the past several years to have pretty amazing romantic getaways and now with our second little one due in just three months we're still debating how to celebrate this year. I've even thought about making it a family celebration since it is when the Simmons clan was established.
Bryan and I already have weekly date nights that usually include dinner or lunch at a restaurant and an activity and it seems like a yearly date should be celebrated uniquely...without the expectations of grand romance...yeah, I know, I'm not asking much, right? I guess that is why we seem to be without plans so far this year. 

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